As we all enter the holiday season, we want to be sure that you are protected. This is the time of year where scam artists are looking to take advantage of you and your holiday spirit. It can be difficult for banks to help you if willingly provide your personal information or your money. So, we have put together a list of some helpful tips for you to remember during the holiday season.

Things to Avoid:

  • Cashing checks for strangers
  • Sending gift cards to someone you do not know
  • Returning funds for overpayment
  • Paying first and only receiving a promise of something later

Do not feel pressured to do something that gives you pause. Protecting your personal information and PIN will keep you and your identity safe this holiday season. You should also avoid giving you personal information through email or text. In fact, you shouldn’t open links or attachments from businesses or people that you do not know. Remember to contact your bank or authorities if you feel that you are the victim of a scam or identity theft. Interested in more tips? Click Here.