letter of deletion Archives | Pasadena Bankruptcy Attorney
20 04, 2018

How will a judgment or lien affect my credit?


A judgment is a legal obligation to pay back a debt after a creditor or collector successfully won a lawsuit against you over an outstanding debt. A lien is a charge upon real or personal property for the purposes of fulfilling a debt obligation. If the obligation is not fulfilled, a creditor can seize whatever […]

How will a judgment or lien affect my credit?2023-07-22T12:21:21+00:00
16 03, 2018

What is a Letter of Deletion?


After checking your credit report, you may find collection accounts listed. It is important to reach out to each collection line on your credit report and try to remove them. The best way to remove these from your report is to ask for a letter of deletion instead of a letter of payment when negotiating your […]

What is a Letter of Deletion?2023-07-22T12:27:21+00:00